Setup and personalization based on your business needs
Do you lose potential clients because they are not registered in a database?
Do you forget to call hot clients who took some time to think about your offer?
You don't have an automated text notification?
Do you lose sight of the customers who bring you customers?
Execution progress of the employees
1. Qualified client, 2. Offer sent, 3. Follow up, 4. Negotiation, 5. Won – Closed
You can adjust to your needs
Client didn't pay an invoice
To send a specific offer, discount at specific date, stage or other circumstances
Status of the order: Received, In execution, Done, Delivered
Ask for a review on Facebook, Google
It can be applied to other ideas and in a combination with email notifications
Landing Page / Website integration with the CRM
Payment with a credit card
And many more
CEO and Founder of Create Go LLC
From 2009 we create websites, promote and systemize small businesses
More than 1500+ clients from 50+ countries
Here are some websites we built for organizations: USAID, Chemonics,,,,, etc.