If you are afraid of doing marketing by yourself just as many others entrepreneurs, then, this podcast is for you. A simple Marketing Guide for Entrepreneurs. Listen to it.
In this video, you will get answers to questions: 1. why you need to have a lead generation form for price quotes? 2. What Form to Use on the Landing Page: Short or Long? Besides them, you will see some good and bad examples and will get some tips for lead generation forms on your landing page.
In this tutorial you’ll find out an Easy way of How to Install Live Chat on Website. Also, adding a Live Chat on your website gives you possibility to receive messages directly on your phone.
In this Podcast you will learn how to negotiate with SEO experts and about the hiring process.
How a strong habit is built? Good habits are meant to improve our quality of life. It took me 4 years before I build a strong habit. And here is my story, which I am happy to share with you.
Let Facebook find clients for you. Do your Real Estate business in a smarter way than your competitors.
What is the one mistake every new business makes? When is the right time to start a business? How digital marketing helps small businesses to grow? All of these in CreateGoPodcast Episode 18
If you understand which marketing metrics you should follow, you can scale with confidence and will have a better understanding of how much to invest in your marketing.
Have you ever find yourself worrying about will you have enough money to pay the bills or for essential expenses? In this economic crisis one day you can realise, that you don’t have money even for your personal needs.
When it is time to Change your Business Model? Let us tell you the CreateGo story.
Adapting to the crisis – is the key to survive for any small business. Your business model should become multifunctional like a Swiss Army knife.
If a business want to survive, it should take safety measures seriously. Show your customers and employee, that you really care about them. Clean the oficce workspace, provice all the celaning stuff. That is the best investment. Just take care of what you have at the moment.
Building a Responsive & Attractive Website for Small Business with NO Developer skills.
How a cold client becomes a hot client? Why potential clients may not buy your product or service? These and more in our NEW podcast №11.
In this podcast we talk about: – where can you find “hot” clients? – platforms for advertising & costs – tricks & tips for reducing costs Expand your client database today!
What is your perfect type of clients during the Global Crisis? Why Online Marketing is the best option for your business to survive? Let’s discuss these topics in our new podcast.